www Redirect Checker

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What is www redirect Checker Tool?

A redirect is a method with the help of which it is possible to send the users as well as the search engines a different URL. There are three most commonly used redirects, and these are 301,302 and Meta Refresh.

While performing the function of redirect trace, typically, three types of redirects are used.

  • 301, which moves permanently, and this recommended for SEO.
  • The next one is Found or Moved Temporarily which is denoted by 302
  • Meta Refresh

301 move a redirect permanently, and this refers to the HTTP status code. This permanent redirect passes 90% to 99% raking power to the redirected page. This is considered to be the best method. One can use redirect checker chrome to check any affiliate link or malware.

Besides permanent redirecting, 302 helps in a temporary redirect. The HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol orders the URL on how to work. There are two primary versions, and these are 1.0 and 1.1. The first version refers to 302 or moved temporarily. 

Another redirect method is a Meta Refresh. This carries on the redirect on the page level rather than on the server level. This is also not a recommended technique for SEO.

What is Redirect Detective?

A redirect detective is used as a free redirect checker. This helps to show the complete redirected URL. You can see where the affiliate link goes, and you can check whether the links are working properly or not.

This also helps to check whether the redirected domain has properly been redirected to the new domain or not. This will also avoid any domain to be tracked by any tracking site without being redirected.

Redirect Detective Uses:

  • It helps in checking where the affiliate link is going to and what is the affiliate network which is being used.
  • Checking if the bit.ly links or something similar to it is redirecting towards a legitimate site.
  • Checking of own redirects to make sure that it works correctly.
  • Checking if the redirected domains are correctly redirecting towards the new domain or not.
  • Checking the point present in the redirection path cookies are perfectly set or not.
  • Avoid getting tracked for not being redirected via the tracking sites.
  • Helps in detecting the number of redirects specific sites use.

Process of Bulk Check Redirects

With the help of bulk redirect checker, it is possible to check the redirects in two ways, crawling or by uploading a list of bulk URLs.

To crawl a website at first, the SEO spider is required to be downloaded. Then the URL needs to be entered in the box and enter the start button.

Next, you can wait for the crawl to finish 100% or view the 3XX redirects. You can view the destination of the addresses of the URL redirect at the Redirect URL column. So, the features supported by a redirect checker is

  • Various user agents from mobile or desktop and search engines get support.
  • This supports HTTP redirects and HTTP status code such as 301, 302, etc.
  • It also helps in redirecting of standard Javascript.

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www redirect checker

www redirect checker tool